Fraud is not always easy to detect. When people are deliberately cheating the government, they usually go to great lengths to try to hide their tracks. But sometimes an observant employee, contractor, or competitor notices that totals aren’t adding up, records are missing, or something is amiss.
If you find yourself in this type of situation, you may feel uncertain of whether you even have a whistleblower case. This page is designed to help you identify common fraudulent activities committed against the government, but it alone can’t answer all your questions. Speak with an experienced whistleblower attorney as soon as you suspect foul play with government funds.

Our attorneys can help you determine if the actions you have observed constitute government fraud. Also, the first person to come forward with actionable evidence and information is usually the one who receives a whistleblower reward when one is given, so contact Carolina Whistleblower Attorneys today for a free and confidential case evaluation.