Results and Testimonials
We’ve represented dozens of qui tam whistleblowers, with tens of millions of dollars in total settlements since 2016.1, 4
We’ve represented dozens of qui tam whistleblowers, with tens of millions of dollars in total settlements since 2016.1, 4
Disclaimer: Cases and testimonials referenced do not represent the law firm’s entire record. Each case is unique and must be evaluated on its own merits. The outcome of a particular case cannot be predicated upon a lawyer’s or a law firm’s past results.
We are led by former U.S. Attorney Bill Nettles, appointed by the White House to help curb fraud against the government. During his tenure leading the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Bill brought South Carolina up to top four in the country for whistleblower recoveries.1
Some of Bill’s successes:4
When Bill helped form Carolina Whistleblower Attorneys, he brought with him an Assistant U.S. Attorney with decades of whistleblower experience, Fran Trapp. During their tenures, Bill and Fran helped the U.S. Attorney’s Office recover more than $307.6 million in fraudulently-obtained funds.
Among their major victories are:1,4
Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup agreed to the settlement to resolve false claims allegations. The whistleblower received $18 million.
Two cardiovascular disease testing laboratories agreed to pay $48.5 million to settle claims of paying kickbacks and conducting unnecessary testing.
“Smaller” fraud must be fought, too. Nason Medical agreed to this settlement to resolve allegations of false claims to Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE.
In one of our seminal private practice victories, Bill Nettles and Fran Trapp were part of the team that helped the government reach a $22.5 million settlement to recover allegedly fraudulently-obtained government funds.1
Doctors Care, P.A., one of the largest urgent care providers in South Carolina, agreed to a settlement in 2021 to resolve health care fraud allegations against them under the False Claims Act. According to two whistleblowers, Doctors Care falsely certified that some visits to their urgent care facilities were covered by providers allowed to bill federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Without these allegedly false claims, the government never would have authorized payments to Doctors Care.
Thanks to our whistleblower clients, the government was able to obtain email and other documentary evidence to support the allegations against Doctors Care. In addition to the massive monetary settlement, Doctors Care and its management company entered into a corporate integrity agreement to be monitored for five years by the government. The two whistleblowers received an award of $5.4 million.
One of our attorneys obtained a $5.25 million settlement with CVS pharmacy in one of the first False Claims Act settlements involving Medicare’s Part D.1,4
According to the allegations, RxAmerica misrepresented the cost of prescription drugs on the online tool called the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Finder. Seniors use the Plan Finder to compare pricing and benefits of various Medicare Part D plans.
The whistleblowers in the case, upon reviewing their Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statement, noticed a significant discrepancy in prescription drug pricing. Their EOB showed that the pharmacy charged more for prescriptions than what they found listed on the Medicare Plan Finder tool.
The higher prices that the whistleblowers had paid depleted their Medicare benefits prematurely, forcing them to pay more money out of pocket. But they brought a successful whistleblower case under the False Claims Act, achieved justice, and shared a percentage of the government’s rewards.
While we live in the Carolinas, we practice nationwide.5 Here are some of the large entities and companies our attorneys have taken on across the country throughout their careers:4
And more whistleblower successes our attorneys have had in their careers…1,4
Judgment against a cosmetology school for education loan fraud. The Lacy School of Cosmetology submitted false claims to the government regarding student loans and grants.
Two whistleblowers exposed a moving company that allegedly overcharged the government by increasing the weights of shipments and storage. The whistleblowers received $1.25 million in total, plus attorney’s fees.
Settlement to resolve allegations against a long-term care pharmacy for kickbacks from a drug manufacturer. Performance-based kickbacks were allegedly awarded based on the pharmacy’s success in switching Medicaid recipients from a competitor drug.
A university agreed to pay $4 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act in connection with a federal grant and with regard to receiving and disbursing Title IV federal student aid funds.
Settlement with Parsons Government Services to resolve allegations of overcharging the government. The company allegedly submitted ineligible or inflated claims for employee relocation costs to receive payments they were not entitled to.
This settlement resolved allegations against a long-term care pharmacy servicing hundreds of nursing homes across the country. The pharmacy was said to be involved in a scheme to manipulate doctors and patients in order to maximize profits.
Settlement to resolve false allegations against a company for submitting laboratory claims to be paid by the government that were not ordered and/or not medically necessary. The whistleblower received 20% of the settlement as a reward, plus costs and fees.
5 The attorneys at the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin and the Bill Nettles Law Firm are only licensed in the states indicated. Representation in other jurisdictions is only allowed by their rules and may involve association with local counsel.
“John is an excellent attorney who has extensive experience handling cases in both State and Federal Court.” 1 — fellow lawyer who recommends Carolina Whistleblower Attorney John Warren
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